Events Description
LISSASPAC will co-host the International Conference with KLISS (Korea Library and Information Science Society) and Department of Library and Information Science of Keimyung University, on 6th November 2015 at Keimyung University. There are 6 members of LISSASPAC society will deliver a lecture on the conference.
- Place: Graduate School, Keimyung University
- Date: 6, November 2015
- Invited Lectures :
- Prof Jiyuan Ye, Nanjing University China
- Topic: From Evaluation for Library Collection to “All-round Evaluation of Research. A Theoretical Framework and its Applications in China
- Prof Schubert Foo, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore
- Topic: Remaining Relevant in the Library and Information Society: A Case Study of the Nanyang Technology University Library
- Prof Wu MeiMei, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
- Topic: Some Action Research in LIS Teaching Arena
- Dr P Rajendran, SRM University, India
- Topic:User Perception on e-Resources at SRM University Library: A Study
- Dr Ming Chen, Nanjing University, China
- Topic: The Study of Open Access Status based on CSSCI Sources Journals